Important - There is currently a major IT Outage and so we may have to cancel and ask patients to reschedule appointments. This is a national issue and our GP Software provider is working to rectify the issue urgently. Sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused

Paradise Road Practice

37 Paradise Road, Richmond, TW9 1SA

Telephone: 0208 940 2423

Sorry we are currently closed, please call NHS 111

How We Use Your Information

Healthcare professionals in our practice record information about the care we provide. The type of information that is recorded includes the following:

Demographics, e.g. address, telephone number, e‐mail, date of birth, gender, etc.
What you tell us when you see us in consultations e.g. about your physical health etc.
Diagnoses, investigations, treatments, referrals, family background.
Social information e.g. housing status, alcohol, smoking data
Third party sources e.g. hospital letters, A&E attendances, relatives,  carers, insurance companies, solicitors

What We Already Share About You:

We share different types of information about our patients. These include:

Personal information about you and your illness, when needed for your direct care, e.g. referral to hospital, consultants,  district nurses,  health visitors,  midwives,  counsellors,  the summary care record
Patient identifiable information to public health, in order to arrange programs for: childhood immunisations, communicable diseases,  cervical smears,  retinal screening
With explicit consent, personal information to other organisations outside the NHS, e.g. insurance companies, benefits agencies
Limited information about you, if relevant, to protect you and others, e.g. to social services child protection investigations
Under certain acts of parliament to protect you and others e.g. court order
Summary information which is anonymised (can not identify you) e.g. quality and outcome frameworks (QoF), medical research and clinical audit.

It is also important to understand that currently a limited amount of patient information or data is used mostly at local level to help design health services or undertake clinical audit. Some information is used at a national level. Information from lots of individual patients allows the NHS to build a picture of what is happening to the nation’s health. The majority of this information is anonymised before it leaves the healthcare professional, in other words no one can identify who the information relates to.

How we protect your personal information:

Currently, your GP is responsible for protecting your information and to do this they comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). As part of the DPA, all healthcare professionals have an obligation only to share information on a need to know basis. For further information on the DPA please go to:

The physical storage of information is on secure servers which are protected. Access to the information is by authenticated password. The number of people who have access to your information is limited to members of the practice team and in a few instances some pre-agreed data is shared with other health care professional e.g. District Nurses but on a need to know basis.

If you would like to view our Confidentiality Code of Practice Policy, please contact us to arrange.


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    08:00am to 06:30pm
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    08:00am to 06:30pm
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    08:00am to 06:30pm
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    08:00am to 06:30pm
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    08:00am to 06:30pm
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